In partnership with my love for lingerie
and sponsored by Simone Pérèle
This morning I went for a wax, and as I lay on under fluorescent lighting in my underwear while two women took to my extremities with their hot wax and fabric strips, I thought about all the ‘joys’ we experience as women.
Earlier today, pre the ritual-wax-torture, I’d been to breakfast and seen a thoughtful little box with the label ‘for those who bleed’ on a shelf in the ladies.
There are just so many functional things to deal with as a woman, aren’t there?
And sometimes I wonder if we let the functional dominate, I know for sure that I have. With all the proverbial balls we have in the air at any one time is it any wonder that we forget the beauty of the function, amidst the darn fiddliness of it all??
It reminds me of a somewhat hilarious moment I had with my mother earlier this year. The kids and I were visiting my folks for a couple of weeks over Summer and my mother had come across one of my bras in the wash. Ok, she had come across my ONLY bra in the wash.
A maternity bra that was about 6 years old. Ok, a maternity bra that once had a lace overlay that had gotten a bit ratty so I had literally (and yes lazily!) ripped it off.
A maternity bra that was entirely redundant because my ‘baby’ was 3.
When my mum raised the issue of my bra, my sister quickly chimed in that she too had been wondering what the heck that was about too. And you know, BRA’s. They are another of those ‘functional things’ women have to deal with.
And whatever your bust size there are so many factors involved with getting your lingerie situation sorted!
For me, I’ve always been a larger busted lady so when I started buying bras as a young teenager I had one option: Berlei in beige, black, white and a random mint-green kind of colour. I used to envy my friends colourful, lacy pretty bra’s while and moan about my limited range of ‘granny bra’s’.
And despite going on to spend time as an Intimo Lingerie consultant, falling in love with lace and lingerie that suitable a more amply busted lady I found myself post-kids, going full circle. The lace went in the bin (literally) and I was left with ratty tatty bras that weren’t that supportive and looked like they had lost a fight with a scratchy cat!
Why did I do this?!
So there I went, shopping for bras and at the advice of my little sis and the pocket of my mother (ha!) I came home with a Simone Pérèle Celeste bra and OH. MY. GOODNESS. It was love. I went on to buy two more Simone Pérèle bra’s and apart from then having a choice about which bra to wear each day (life changing!) I now I know true comfort in the brassiere department again.
And today, I am absolutely thrilled to be able to share with you the Simone Pérèle experience (see below for details on how to win your own spot of fabulousness!) What I really wanted to do with this post was take you through the range of Simone Pérèle and give you some pointers about where to start with what to choose. It was so helpful for me to have my sister recommend a great bra when I needed to buy one because standing in a lingerie store is so overwhelming – where do you even start? With my sister’s recommendation in mind, I was able to head straight to the Simone Pérèle section,where I not only found the bra but also a Simone Pérèle fitter who was able to ensure I chose the right size. So this post is the same head start for you!
And let’s talk straight for a moment. For most of us, a bra is something we wear every day. In fact, I wear two bras every day, one sports bra for when my morning workout and one Simone Pérèle bra for once I’m dressed for the day. Having bras that offer the right amount of support and comfort is something worth thinking about (and I’m also here to say that wearing a bra everyday that feels like you are not wearing a bra is a world of amazing!).
So where should you start?
Well, I’m here to say Simone Pérèle. An exquisite French lingerie brand that makes me look and feel great as well as comfortable!
I spoke with Tracey, a Simone Pérèle fitter extraordinaire, about the things to look for and the best starting place for women for all shapes and sizes. What you need to know is that each collection within the Simone Pérèle range includes a number of styles to suit women of different shapes. So you could be a B cup and I’m an FF cup and we can both choose the same lingerie collection. How amazing is that?! (As the one with the FF cup let me tell you, it’s pretty darn incredible!) For example, you (*ahem* I *ahem*) can opt for the ‘control’ range if you’ve got more to hold, or you can opt for a push up for great cleavage or a softer cup if you’re looking for a different shape. Gold!
As for the style of your bra, it’s not just about how it looks to you, but about the shape it gives you under your clothes. My big tip from my lingerie days is that you should always throw a shirt on over your bra to check that you like the look and shape it gives you.
If you’re heading back in store then this is where you should start:
Ceylan – This is gorgeous, the lace on it is so special. I have it in Blue (because, colour!) but it also comes in nude and black.
Delice – I am wearing my Delice as I write this and had to look and check because it is honestly so comfortable I forget it’s there. To me, that is EVERYTHING when it comes to wearing a bra. I love the lace on this bra. It comes in white, nude, grenat and black. I have the white and yes, I love it!
Caresse – This one has a smooth cup with lace trimming – if you were looking for a t-shirt bra type option this would be a great start. The Caresse comes in white, nude, blush and black.
Now I know that for mums, getting back into the ‘good stuff’ isn’t always straightforward – sizes change, needs change and then there’s the pesky issue of finding the time and being willing to spend the money on yourself. But did you know that around 80% of women aren’t wearing the right bra size? And I hate to say it but if you’ve not been fitted for a while there’s a good chance you fall into that 80%. My advice is head to a DJ’s near you and ask a fitter to help you with a Simone Pérèle option, you won’t regret it – I haven’t!
In the meantime, would you like to win yourself some gorgeous lingerie for summer? We have two Lingerie Sets of Ceylan in China Blue to giveaway! Because colourful lingerie is for everyone!
To enter, leave a comment below letting us know what you find the hardest about buying bra’s and which of the two sets you’d like to choose.
The fine print.
To enter:
1. Leave a comment below sharing what you find the hardest thing about buying lingerie.
2. Only one entry per person.
3. You must be an Australian resident
4. Make sure you leave your comment by midnight AEST Wed 21 December 2016
Terms and Conditions:
The name of the promotion is: Simone Pérèle Giveaway
The promoter is Skipping Girl
The conditions of entry are as stated in points 1-4 above.
Employees, immediate family members, retailers, suppliers, associated companies and agencies are not eligible to enter.
The giveaway will close at midnight AEST, Wednesday 21 December 2016. Comments submitted after this time will not be considered for the giveaway.
This is a game of skill. The winner will be awarded based on the strength of their answer to the question in point 1 above.
The winner will be notified by email.
The results of the giveaway will be published on this site on Thursday 22 December 2016.
Prizes are not redeemable for cash and are non-transferable
The total prize value is $149.90AUD
If for any reason beyond the Promoter’s control the agreed prize is not available a product of equal or greater value will be provided.
The Promoter is not responsible for prizes once they have been dispatched to the winner.
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Oooh pretty! For me the hardest thing is finding a bra that is pretty AND supportive. Holding E’s that have breastfed 3 kids is no small task 😉
I love a good bra but live in a small Country town with no lingerie options so it’s never an easy talk stocking up
The hardest thing at the moment is to find enough kid free time, and spare money, to go lingerie shopping. And yep, I’ve just ditched my maternity bras and am wearing my running bras -all the time! Not so comfortable.
Whenever I find my bra size, the cups are either too big or too small. I also hate how the underwire is always digging into me. The other thing that frustrates me are lingerie sets. Sometimes you find great bras and then the knickers size is too small. It’s also hard to find different bras for different occasions.
I always thought I was a C cup until about two years ago and got a proper fitting and found out I was an E cup!!. My world changed overnight! Just when I thought I was getting it, I discovered only last month that minimizers can actually make you look more shapely, I thought they just flattened everything. Bra fitters are your best friend!
Definitely the fact that I’m always wearing a comfy old bra whenever I go shopping and then putting on a new one is like… when your skinny jeans are fresh out of the dryer 😂 they need some wearing in!
I’ve been searching my whole life for a new bra that looks like skinny jeans but feels like trackies!
These are gorgeous. After 4 years of breastfeeding I need something new now that we have weaned! The hardest thing for me is the cost- I know I should invest in good quality but with a gaggle of kids it’s hard to put your boobs first, isn’t it? 😀
I find it frustrating when the bra fits well when you’re standing with good posture in the change room, but then the day-to-day reality as you’re going about work or chores or life is that the straps always seem to slip off your shoulders (even when you nick into the ladies at work to de-bra, tighten them and get dressed again!) or the band starts to cut under your arms in after a couple of hours wear. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to try a bra for a whole day and then decide to buy it!? 😄
The bras I live in are Intimo miracles which I bought about 5 years ago… and I have had 2 babies since then… for me it is about the time and money. I will spend money on books and bags and makeup but something as essential as a well fitting bra? Who has time to hunt them down?!
I’m with you on the colour! My pesky DD/E’s are so so tired of living in BEIGE. Winning some colour and feeling amazing would be awesome. Adding a perfect tshirt bra would be the icing on the cake.
Thanks for the chance to win.
I had 2 Intimo ‘water’ bras which I absolutely loved! They fitted perfectly, were comfortable and gave me a great shape (which was not quite as easy after having 3 babies)! I wore them until they literally fell apart and now I spend my life searching for a bra which gives me that same feel, without costing so much that my family can’t eat.
Prior to feeding my three lovely kids I was amply busted. Now….not so much! I finished feeding a couple of years ago but I still haven’t adjusted to the new requirements of ‘the girls’. Shape and support help needed….and time to find something fabulous!!
I scare consultants. I’m a 16H, so I went to a speciality store where they had nothing. I also have congenital semmastia so I have zero cleavage. Yes, uniboob.
It’s fun to be me.
Oh mate. Lingerie. I don’t think I’ve used that word in…(eldest is now six so I’d say…) six years and nine months. It’s good ol’ undies and bra around here, nothing sexy to be seen for miles!
The hardest things for me buying lingerie is that I’d LOVE something supportive and beautiful, but I just can’t bring myself to fork over the moolah to make it happen. And let’s be honest, I’m a little scared of actually getting fitted properly and being placed in a luxurious, glorious piece of lady lump holders, and my boobs screaming at me “WHAT THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN PUTTING US IN ALL THESE YEARS, WOMAN?!”.
I’ve left a comment previously but just have to applaud Beth B’s statement about her boobs screaming at her for wearing poor lady lump holders for all these years. Pmsl! Reminded me that my mum always calls them “over the shoulder boulder holders” and then reminds me of the otto titsling scene in Beaches. 😂
It’ so hard to justify putting MYSELF first.
To take the time to go to the store kid-free and without a million other errands to run.
To use the money on what is ridiculously nominated as a ‘luxury item’ in our family budget.
And to prioritise my health, and my needs first. Guilt free.
It is hard, but I think it is important too! Going to email my husband now to make sure I get a gift card for new underwear for Christmas this year!
I agree on all points!!! I love Simone Perele because it’s one of the very few brands that fit me properly. I have a small back and (ahem) full boobs – most brands don’t make bras to fit my shape. But now I’m scared to get new ones… last time I bought 3 Lacey SP bras… baby no 2 happened! Couldn’t wear them for over 2 years!!!
Hi, how l wish l was that young women when l was the right size and my breasts were so comfy in bras and l could breath , but as a women l gotten older and everything changed with life, got married,had children, breastfeeding busy with family life,a few back problems especially my upper back which was hard to have the right bra and then menopause came into my life changed my body again especially my breasts,wearing bras was like having a girdle which is one body garment l don’t like, so getting a comfy bra has been not easy, l have brought all sorts of bras , so need a miracle bra please help my breast be at rest , it’s like having an uncomfortable pair of shoes on your feet,so annoying, thank you Mary xx
It’s the try on part. There are few places left that actually stock things that are for those that need a more support, but I didn’t even think to go to DJs, I am going to head there next. Last year I had a tumour removed (totally benign so I was all good) but post surgery I had to get wire less bras. I was a little anxious already about the scar etc so I thought I’d go to the other department store that used to be known for fittings. They just pointed at two bras and said you can have that or that, and walked off.
It’s kind of ridiculous, but I actually don’t have a single matching set of lingerie. Is that weird?
I find it hard to find a nice pretty and functional bra for myself that doesn’t come with a hefty price tag – being SAHM I struggle to justify those expenses on myself. However I’m sure if I ask hubby he would be ok with it I just feel guilt. Also, I need to branch out and look elsewhere from the usual sale offers with the boring and functional tshirt bras!
Polar opposite problem! Post breast feeding A cup.(They freaking shrunk!) Finding an A cup is like making friends with a penguin in freaking desert! It’s like being told that you actually don’t have boobs worth putting in bras. Short of tucking my ladies into my belt, they do need support, pretty-ness and boob dignity.
I do not need to win the prize but just wanted to say that since I have been wearing Simone Perele bras I have been very happy. They fit well, and the fitters do a fantastic job. I always had problems with underwire bras as the wire used to cut in under my arms, not so with Simone Perele bras. I can afford to have at least 8 pairs on the go at once and just love the styles as well as the fit. I am not a big busted women but an over-sized one who used to have fatty bits hanging out the sides of my bras. With these bras, not so. I fully recommend them to every women regardless of their size. Love, love, love these bras.
The hardest thing for me with bra’ s is somehow finding some push up that doesn’t look abnormal for my teeny boobs with stretched skin (Thanks boys!) and also finding a good assistant to help in the fitting department not just the ‘what size have you been wearing’ kind who couldn’t really be bothered!
I love this post so much! The hardest thing I find about buying a bra is having the fabric around my ribs roll up even though I’m being fitted correctly.
And if I’m being really honest maybe doing it up properly in front of someone. I serisously have never learnt that skill. I’m sure I’m ruining all my bras by spinning them around my body!
The ongoing issue regarding the over shoulder boulder holder – yes! Tune in Tokyo!
Since having my two kidlets, my boobs more closely resemble volunteers for a Science lesson in what a concave shape looks like. Any central boob perk is simply a memory of good “friends”.
But the dilemma is this – I visit my nearest department store and commence my collection of 3000 different varieties of bras to try-on. I head to the change room and after looking in all of them for the most flattering light (you can get that, right?) I choose one and lock the door.
Step 1. Remove top half of clothes
Step 2. Try on bra no. 1
Step 3. Realise I have the completely wrong size in this bra and therefore most of the others I’ve selected will NOT fit.
Step 4. Unlock dressing room door and awkwardly poke my head out in the hope that there is an assistant nearby.
Step 5. Realise no one is actually employed in the Lingerie section of department store, nor any other, unless you want to purchase something from a section that actually doesn’t require sales assistants, yet somehow has 10.
Step 6. Begin serious negotiations with self regarding how much I actually want (read: need) to purchase a bra in the first place.
Step 7. Realise not that much. Leave 999 other bras in change room and return home to eat an entire bag of chips in order to cheer myself up after my miserable experience.
With such limited child-free time at the moment, having time for a proper fitting would be a complete luxury! Having breastfed 3 kids my size and shape has changed so much I don’t really know where to start now. I’m definitely in the 80%! I’ve resorted to my sports bras too lately for everyday wear – no pokey bits that hurt and lots of support!
If we’re being completely honest, the biggest issue is actually my self esteem. I’m horrified at the thought of anyone seeing my stomach that is so fat I could easily pass as someone who is 6 months pregnant (and my “baby” starts school next year!) or my enormous boobs that seem to hang so low I could probably just tuck them into my undies and be done with it. I’m guilty of still wearing both maternity bras and “torn off lace” bras (thanks for letting me know that I’m not the only one!) but that’s easier to deal with than the sheer panic of stepping into a change room.
The hardest thing about bra shopping for me is that my size is hard to get. Which means heading to special boutiques, adding to the cost and the hassle. And I always find it hard to justify money and time when it’s only for myself.
If I have the kids with me, I can’t really try on bras but if I don’t have the kids with me I don’t want to take up my precious ‘free’ time trying on bras 🤔
The blue set looks soo nice!
This article has totally inspired me to go check out some decent underwear as soon as humanely possible (i.e. as soon as I can duck out of the office and run down to the shopping centre nearby–forget weekend shopping, this is the real reason I pay a small fortune in daycare fees!). These look beautiful, and more importantly sound like they are wonderfully designed. And given the lifetime of bras in my closet, I will probably get my money’s worth!
I reckon we ladies are terrible at prioritising self care – and good fitting bras (rather than those stretched to within an inch of their life by 100 years of wear) is totally part of that. Finding the time and money to try on and buy comfortable, supportive and sexy bras is HARD WORK!