Whenever I talk about hospitality, I inevitably start with a story from our wedding. In is sermon, our minister, Richard, talked about the difference between hospitality and entertaining. He suggested that entertaining is white table cloths and fancy place settings; it’s about impressing people. By contrast, hospitality is sitting on the floor eating off paper […]
It Takes A Village
If you want to build your own village, you are going to have to get vulnerable.
A few years ago, as our youngest child was moving out of nappies, my husband and I looked around and realised that while we had some good friends, we weren`t priorisiting that side of our family life. It had been years since we`d really made any new friends, and we weren’t local to most of […]
5 ways modern expectations are ruining your life
I recently read an article entitled 7 reasons your wife is stressed out all the time by Samantha Rodman and clicked on it because hey, I’m a wife and it’s easy to get stressed out. What I read quite honestly, horrified me. Four (and a half) of the seven reasons given related to the perceived judgement of […]
Could a messy house actually be a good thing?
Annabel Crabb once wrote, “If as a mother, there’s one little tip you can pass on to your daughter that might help her enjoy a productive, happy and neurosis-free life, I reckon it’s this: don’t tidy your room.” And I wish I’d taken a photo of my living room yesterday afternoon so you could see the incredible […]
A New Year's wish for amazing ladies...
Last year I headed off for a weekend away with my best girlfriends from High School. As I went to jump in the cab taking me to the airport, I said to my daughter, who was a little upset about my leaving and hanging off my arms, “Darling, I really have to go.” to which […]
“Is it normal for my partner to get ‘that’ angry?” 12 ways to help a friend in an abusive relationship
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about love after kids and the very real challenges couples can face as they transition from a party of two to three or more. I know, from the feedback you sent me, that this resonated strongly and for that, I am so thankful. There was however, a big elephant in […]
The well-hidden secret that parents aren’t talking about…
The best thing to hold onto in life, is each other – Audrey Hepburn. Most mornings I listen to my eldest two children negotiate whose turn it is for the little bathroom stool they stand on while brushing their teeth. I’m kind of impressed at the way they’ve been able to handle this, coming to an agreement […]
6 Things Working Fathers Want You To Know
This week my daughter asked me to download a game on the iPad called “Daddy’s Little Helper”. The first line of its description reads “Silly Daddy can’t get anything right! Help Daddy clean up & organize the house!” Um, is that for real? After explaining to my daughter why we wouldn’t be downloading that game, I turned […]
2 parts road rage, 1 part my-child-wet-the-bed
In partnership with Thirsty Camel The hipster revolution. Love it or hate it, it’s brought some good things back into our consciousness. The desire to be known, and to know people – to really know them – is one of its greatest contributions. But what about… Conscious consumerism? Shop Local? Buy Ethical? Are they catch-phrases of […]