It’s been 14 months since I decided I needed to make my health a priority and started exercising ‘formally’, with a personal trainer and classes and the like. It’s been two years since I did my first Operation Move, Learn to Run program, which I loved and taught me that while running is not for me, […]
Author: Louisa Claire
Getting Real about Mums & Bras.
In partnership with my love for lingerie and sponsored by Simone Pérèle This morning I went for a wax, and as I lay on under fluorescent lighting in my underwear while two women took to my extremities with their hot wax and fabric strips, I thought about all the ‘joys’ we experience as women. Earlier today, […]
Dear Weight Watchers, the solution to great sex is NOT going on a diet.
Let’s start with the obvious. The solution to body confidence (and great sex) is NOT going on a diet. Can someone please tell me why this is not completely obvious?!?! Also obvious is this: if a woman has low self-esteem and is struggling with body confidence issues that are having an impact in the bedroom […]
Is it normal for my partner to get 'that' angry?" 12 things all Australians should know about Domestic Abuse
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about love after kids and the very real challenges couples can face as they transition from a party of two to three or more. I know, from the feedback you sent me, that this resonated strongly and for that, I am so thankful. There was however, a big elephant in […]
Is Netflix Original ‘Stranger Things’ on your must watch list yet? It should be, and here’s why.
This is the show that everyone is talking about and for good reason. After seeing it’s 5-star rating on Netflix we sat down to watch it last weekend. And wow. If it’s not already on your must-watch list then here’s why it should be. No spoilers! 1. The cast are incredible! After growing up watching […]
Meet A Maker: Marie Lewis from Synxsole
Today I am kicking off a new series for Skipping Girl called ‘Meet A Maker’. This is a chance to meet and support female lead Australian businesses; women who are kicking goals and bringing amazing innovation to our world. What I love about small business owners is how much they genuinely LOVE what they do. […]
The well-hidden secret that parents aren’t talking about…
The best thing to hold onto in life, is each other – Audrey Hepburn. Most mornings I listen to my eldest two children negotiate whose turn it is for the little bathroom stool they stand on while brushing their teeth. I’m kind of impressed at the way they’ve been able to handle this, coming to an agreement […]
13 of the best #CensusFail Memes…to get you through when the wine runs out.
Well, this is fun. I know, it seems hard to believe that the same people responsible for the NBN couldn’t get an entire nation of people to access the same website on the same day! Hmmm…..while we wait (first for the excuses and recriminations, I assume) and then for it to be sorted, we can […]
7 things I’ve learnt about ‘overwhelm’ as a working parent.
For the past five years, I’ve run a business and tried to be a “present” parent. During this time I have pretty much mastered the art of overwhelm, and I’m sure I’m not the only one…. The rising sense of panic. The sick feeling in your gut when you wake up and realise what the day […]
Why I spent the summer holidays annoying all my Facebook Friends
School holidays present a conundrum for me – I adore my children, they bring me immense joy and delight BUT I don’t find being a mum a walk in the park. That probably doesn’t shock you, as I don’t know heaps of people who sail through parenting…though it might not always be easy to tell when […]